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‘No bars, no restaurants.’ The Illinois General Assembly has OK’d a “cleanup” bill for Illinois’ legalization of marijuana, clarifying that public consumption will be allowed “only in a dispensary or retail tobacco store.”
■ Gov. Pritzker hails a “monumental” victory for taxpayers: A bill to consolidate hundreds of suburban and downstate police and fire pension funds.
Lightfoot retreats. The mayor’s backing off from her charge that Uber was offering a “payoff” to black ministers in the company’s campaign to kill her proposed congestion fee on shared rides.
■ A Sun-Times editorial: “Lightfoot put her foot in her mouth, but we’re still wary of Uber.”
‘Marriage equality, abolished the death penalty …’ Citing some of the accomplishments of which he’s most proud, Illinois Senate President John Cullerton says he’ll retire in January—after almost 40 years in the General Assembly …
■ … setting off the maneuvering to replace him.
■ Chicago’s longest-serving alderman, the indicted Ed Burke, faces a challenge to his role as a Democratic Party committeeman.
‘Corrupt as f_____________ck.’ Wonkette’s Evan Hurst has been translating today’s impeachment proceedings into the common tongue.
■ The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine told Congress President Trump’s removal of her played into the dangerous intentions of bad players around the world.
■ The Atlantic’s Peter Nicholas sees Trump surrounded: “The president thrives on having an opponent to villainize. With impeachment, there are too many to choose from.” (Cartoon: Keith J. Taylor.)
■ Updating coverage: Real-time analysis from The New York Times.
The B-word. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now using the word bribery to describe Trump’s actions with regard to Ukraine …
■ … a significant shift in Democrats’ rhetoric.
■ And she trolled the president as she did it.
■ The Tribune’s Eric Zorn: Democrats need to get serious about forcing testimony from witnesses close to Trump.
■ Esquire’s Charlie Pierce tags “the most intriguing sucker in the middle of this mess,” European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland, whose cellphone chat with the president from a restaurant “of course, the Russians picked up.” (Cartoon: Keith J. Taylor again.)
■ The Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg reluctantly praises impeachment proceedings: “It is good for Americans clinging to our cherished values to see decent, patriotic … witnesses, in contrast with the contemptuous band of toadies, bootlickers and lackeys the Republicans sent to try to discredit them.”
■ The Trib’s Mary Schmich’s channels Trump’s view of impeachment through poetry: “You know the show I’d like to watch? What wouldn’t leave me bored? / That whistleblower tarred and flayed / Then crucified and gored.”
■ The Times surveys talk radio’s take on impeachment in Chicago and other cities.
Hospital secrecy’s end? The Trump administration has released a rule requiring hospitals to post their standard charges for services—including the cheaper prices they’re willing to accept from patients paying cash.
■ A similar rule for health insurance companies is on deck.
‘Instead of botching one incident, the Naperville restaurant tolerated this customer over time.’ The Beachwood Reporter’s Steve Rhodes reviews fresh details in a racist incident at a Buffalo Wild Wings.
■ A racist video triggered a fight at a suburban high school.
Ice to know. Skating returns to Millennium Park today—and it’s free if you bring skates.
■ A guide to the holidays at the park.
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