How it started? / A Republican ‘bloodbath’ / ‘We strongly disapprove’

How it started? A U.S. intelligence report lends credence to speculation the COVID-19 virus originated at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The Wall Street Journal broke the story of three Wuhan researchers sick enough to seek hospital care in November 2019.
India’s coronavirus death toll has passed 300,000. (Cartoon: Keith J. Taylor.)
The Conversation: 578,555 people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S.—or maybe it’s 912,345.
Half of Chicago’s population and 64 percent of Illinois’ adults have gotten at least one vaccination against the coronavirus.
The latest CDC guidance says fully vaccinated people can mostly skip COVID-19 tests.
Saturday Night Live signed off from a season of living dangerously through the pandemic: “We’re more than just a cast—we’re a family. And, like a true family, we’re kind of sick of each other.”

Columnist Dahleen Glanton: “Those who engage in gang activity should have to … give up gang life or forfeit the ability to be a good dad.”
A Northwestern University researcher calls on Chicago police to abolish ShotSpotter technology, surveillance software that dispatches cops based on sound signals.

A Republican ‘bloodbath.’ Politico Illinois Playbook’s Shia Kapos says Illinois Democrats’ proposed General Assembly remaps under the new census would pit four sitting Republican state reps against one another.
Care to comment on the maps? Act quick— four hearings will be jammed into tomorrow and Wednesday.

A ‘predominantly white institution.’ The Tribune shines a light on racist Northwestern University policies evidently ignored by the man who this month quit after less than two weeks as NU’s athletic director.
Comedian and media magnate Byron Allen is suing McDonald’s for $10 billion over its “separate ‘African American’ tier” for ad spending.
See Allen’s full-page letter to McDonald’s in newspapers today.
The Sun-Times’ Laura Washington says Mayor Lightfoot’s disinvitation to white reporters “got our long-overdue attention.”

‘We strongly disapprove.’ More than 100 Associated Press journalists have signed a letter condemning and demanding clarity on the AP’s dismissal of a reporter under its social media policy.
The reporter tweeted her response over the weekend: “It’s enraging as a Jewish person … that I could be defamed as antisemitic and thrown under the bus.”
Poynter media writer Tom Jones: “Are journalists … expected to erase who they are for the sake of ‘appearing’ to be objective?
Columnist Heidi Stevens on a CNN host’s ethical transgression: “Thanks for nothing, Chris Cuomo.”

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He even set up a bogus website for the thing.

Reader Mike Braden made this edition better.

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