Critical care. The Better Government Association and Block Club Chicago report a powerful state senator who also serves on the board of Austin’s scandal-scarred Loretto Hospital—and who defended its improper administration of COVID-19 vaccines—got cash and Caribbean trips through the hospital.
■ The Democratic majority leader in the Illinois House warns that, without new revenue, “nothing is left unscathed” in the budget lawmakers need to devise by the end of the month.
‘At the end of the month, I will see and touch my only child for the first time in over a year. I’m not as excited as you might think.’ Columnist Irv Leavitt reflects on his time in pandemic isolation.
■ A Tribune investigation lends credence to a joke that surfaced in the Chicago area among those seeking COVID-19 vaccinations months ago: “What’s the best way to find a shot in the city? Live in Glencoe.”
■ Chicago’s United Center mass vaccination site closes in a month.
■ The Conversation: Why we get shots in the arm.
■ The company that has made those popular Chicago flag masks is hanging it up.
■ Taiwan—once hailed as a COVID-19 success story—isn’t doing so well now.
■ In a rare bipartisan moment, President Biden has signed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, beefing up Justice Department resources against attacks on Asians.
‘When You’re Ready, We’re Ready.’ The CTA’s launching a marketing campaign to lure back riders and spread the word about upgrades coming to 90 percent of its train stations.
■ An urban planning professor: Mass-transit funding in the Biden stimulus plan would be a down payment on American cities’ revival.
‘Worse than nothing.’ The Invisible Institute’s acclaimed executive director Jamie Kalven says Mayor Lightfoot’s plan for a database of police misconduct—up for a City Council vote Monday— “should be vigorously opposed by all who care about … patterns of police abuse.”
■ The union representing Chicago cops has issued a vote of no confidence in the mayor and the department’s top officers.
■ The Trib’s Eric Zorn spells out just how to act when a police officer pulls you over in traffic.
‘Having a mayor who isn’t afraid to have a pro-Black journalist day is nice, but having one who implements pro-Black policies that we could benefit from every day would be better.’ The Triibe’s Bella BAHHS was a reporter of color granted an anniversary interview with Mayor Lightfoot …
■ … and her account of that interview encouraged readers to show up yesterday for a protest of Lightfoot’s administration that drew hundreds to Logan Square.
■ Politico’s Shia Kapos (middle of today’s Illinois Playbook): “You have to wonder if the mayor might have preferred being grilled by [white Sun-Times reporter] Fran Spielman instead.”
■ Ex-mayoral candidate turned Lightfoot supporter turned Lightfoot critic Ja’Mal Green crashed Lightfoot’s news conference: “Stop the bullcrap!”
■ Dozens of Environmental Protection Agency workers of color are urging the hiring of the organization’s first Black regional Midwest administrator—over the white candidate backed by most of the Illinois Democratic congressional caucus.
‘AP is looking really bad here.’ Author Mark Jacob is among those questioning The Associated Press’ decision to fire a young journalist over social media posts …
■ … apparently over tweets critical of Israel’s government.
■ Israel and Hamas agreed to a cease-fire after 11 days of warfare that left hundreds dead—mostly Palestinians …
■ … but Palestinians nevertheless celebrated it as a victory.
■ The AP goes behind the scenes in Biden’s cease-fire push.
■ Columnist Jonah Goldberg: “The freest Arabs in the Middle East are Israeli Arabs who enjoy the same rights as Israeli Jews.”
‘Pushing perversion.’ Illinois State Sen.—and Republican gubernatorial candidate—Darren Bailey opposes legislation to standardize sex education programs for students across the state.
Tribune zero hour. Shareholders were to vote today on whether to sell Tribune Publishing—including the Chicago Tribune—to the predacious Alden Global Capital hedge fund. (Update, 10:30 a.m.: It’s a deal.)
■ If it happens, credit disgraced (2018 link) former Trib boss Michael Ferro.
The clock’s ticking in the #SaveChicagoMedia campaign, benefitting 43 small and independent teams bringing you stories and news of your local world. With a single click here, you can donate to them all—including Chicago Public Square—or you can single out your favorites.
■ Thanks to reader and TV critic Aaron Barnhart for making this edition better.