'Jaw-dropping' / State Street facelift? / Radio bloodbath

‘Jaw-dropping.’ Poynter media critic Tom Jones analyzes a CNN moderator’s misstep in last night’s presidential debate—a question about disputed reports that Bernie Sanders had told Elizabeth Warren she couldn’t win the presidency—a moment that Jones says was “stunning in its ineptness” …

 … and that set a #CNNisTrash hashtag trending on Facebook.
Warren and Sanders had words after the debate.
CNN analyst Chris Cillizza: “Someone is lying. Or, at the very least, badly misremembering.”
The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah credits Warren for a devastating putdown: “Not since Kill Bill have I seen one woman obliterate that many men in one fell swoop.”
Here’s a full transcript of the debate.
The Washington Post tracked which candidates talked how much last night and found one gender dominated, although The New York Times’ rankings were a little different.
Near the bottom of both lists: Joe Biden, who Vox’s Matthew Yglesias says skated by again.
Not on stage last night: Ex-New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who’s spent millions on Chicago TV ads since November.
An interactive updated Washington Post poll aims to reveal which of the Democrats you agree with most.
The Tribune’s Mary Schmich: “Stop telling me who’s electable and who’s not.”

College tries. The candidates split on how to address college students’ soaring debt.
Speaking of which, the University of Illinois is poised to raise its president’s base pay by 40%—$235,000 a year.

Meanwhile in Trumpworld … President Trump was ranting in Milwaukee about toilets.
Impeachment heads to the Senate today—literally walked across the Capitol …
 … for a trial to be prosecuted by this newly named team of seven House Democrats.
Russia has a political crisis of its own: Its entire government is quitting to protest President Putin’s latest power grab.

State Street facelift? A coalition of downtown businesses has commissioned an urban design firm to consider whether Chicago’s great street deserves an overhaul.
Columnist Phil Kadner: Never mind red-light cameras at intersections; “it might be more effective to have automated cameras watching government officials 24 hours a day.”

City Council’s Chuck and Larry moment. Citing a 2007 comedy, a Chicago alderman warned about the possibility of fraud if the city moves ahead with special consideration for gay business owners.
On today’s City Council agenda: A strengthening of the city’s immigrant “sanctuary” law.
Mayor Lightfoot’s come around to supporting a plan to slow gentrification along The 606 bike and pedestrian trail.
A new report finds real estate prices along part of The 606 have more than tripled in seven years.
See today’s City Council meeting on the web.

Radio bloodbath. Dozens of broadcasters across the country—including at least three nighttime Chicago DJs—are out of work under iHeartMedia’s move to “modernize our company.”
WGN-TV’s new owner, Nexstar, plans to launch a three-hour nightly national newscastNews Nation—out of the station’s Chicago studios.
Jeopardy! spoiler: Last night’s special determined the game’s “Greatest of All Time.”

For the second time in two weeks, a lion is dead at Brookfield Zoo.
Chicago’s venerable Blommer Chocolate Co. is closing its storefront shop to expand manufacturing operations responsible for the chocolatey smell that often charms the city’s air.

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