Editorial smackdown. The Sun-Times is firing back at the Tribune for suggesting censure—rather than impeachment—would be good enough for Donald Trump, a president who “cannot be shamed.”
■ Updating coverage: The U.S. House Intelligence Committee was set today to hand an impeachment report compiling evidence of “wrongdoing and misconduct” to key lawmakers who’ll vote Tuesday on whether to send it to the Judiciary Committee for a Wednesday hearing …
■ … in which the White House says it will not participate.
■ A New York University law prof and former White House counsel: “The very behaviors that necessitate impeachment supply the means for the demagogue to escape it.”
■ The Trib’s Dahleen Glanton: Don’t buy books written by cowards—ex-Trump staffers revealing how inept Trump is.
■ The Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg: “The greatest damage he has caused this country” is …
■ Vox recounts what Trump’s actually achieved in his first three years.
‘Malarkey’ mockery. An old-school slogan on Joe Biden’s campaign bus has left even his supporters asking, “How old is this guy?”
■ Biden’s Iowa kickoff Saturday didn’t go all that well.
■ Montana Gov. Steve Bullock has dropped out of the presidential race.
‘The day the Catholic Church has long feared.’ The Associated Press says a deluge of lawsuits could dwarf all that’s happened so far in the church’s sexual abuse crisis: Potentially more than 5,000 new U.S. cases, with payouts topping $4 billion.
■ Some dioceses may try to soften the hit by filing for bankruptcy.
Where’s your car? If your vehicle was one of the hundreds towed from Chicago streets with the dawn of the city’s overnight winter parking ban …
■ … you can find it by entering your license plate number, etc., on this website …
■ … and if you don’t reclaim your ride quickly enough, the city can sell it.
Shoreline spotlight. High water prompted the closure overnight of Chicago’s Lakefront Trail.
■ A public meeting Tuesday night convenes experts to discuss years of erosion at Lake Michigan beaches along the South Side.
■ Have an opinion on bicycling in Chicago? Check out a meeting of the Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Council Thursday afternoon.
■ Thursday and Friday evening public meetings give Chicagoans a chance to weigh in on the impending legalization of cannabis.
Word of the year. Dictionary.com has declared existential it is.
■ But Macquarie Dictionary’s giving the honor to cancel culture.
Cyber Monday survey. CNN and BuzzFeed round up some of what they consider today’s best online deals.
■ Target and Walmart aren’t conceding the day to Amazon …
■ … but Amazon is conceding that selling “Christmas ornaments” displaying images of a former concentration camp was a mistake.
■ The captain has turned off the “No Christmas music until after Thanksgiving” sign.
An apology. Sorry for that redundant Square email dispatch Wednesday. The responsible party (link corrected) has been disciplined accordingly.
■ And thanks to reader Pam Spiegel for flagging the absence of a period above.