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Rahm’s lullaby. Today is Rahm Emanuel’s last full business day as Chicago’s mayor …
■ WBEZ analyzes gun violence in Chicago and finds not much has changed on Emanuel’s watch—except where it’s happening.
■ From the archives: My Year of Rahm.
Lightfoot’s windfall. In a boon for Mayor-elect Lightfoot’s quest for cash, Illinois’ largest Catholic health system, Amita Health, has decided not to pursue a $5.5 million gift from the Emanuel administration—a deal that passed despite aldermanic concerns about giving public funding to an institution that denies its patients reproductive health services like contraception and abortion.
■ [Correction:]
■ Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has a plan to protect abortion access.
‘We are shutting down due to the safety of everyone.’ A Facebook group for mothers swapping baby items is done for after police charged a mother and daughter with strangling a pregnant high school student and cutting her unborn child from the womb. (Facebook screengrab by way of the Tribune.)
■ The victim’s husband: “I don’t know why these horrible people did this.”
‘Abolish the priesthood.’ In The Atlantic’s new cover story, author James Carroll concludes that, to save the Church, Catholics should throw off the yoke of the clerical hierarchy and take the faith back into their own hands.
■ A law firm’s investigation concludes that an Ohio State athletic team doctor sexually abused at least 177 men in at least 16 sports—and that school leaders knew as it was happening.
■ BuzzFeed News: Self-help guru Tony Robbins has allegedly been helping himself to inappropriate sexual advances.
Recycling’s new rules. As recyclers get fussier about what they’ll take and what they won’t, here’s an updated list of what should and shouldn’t go into Chicago’s Blue Cart recycling containers.
■ A joint ABC 7 and Sun-Times investigation analyzes the impact of online shopping’s flood of cardboard boxes and concludes it’s a mixed bag.
■ A new study found 414 million pieces of plastic on remote Australian islands.
Make that ‘climate emergency.’ The Guardian is making a style change—eschewing climate change for climate emergency, crisis or breakdown; and global warming for global heating.
■ Mother Jones: Where Democratic presidential candidates stand on the climate.
Trump’s taunting. A tweet from the president teases Democrats about working with him on an immigration plan to favor those
■ … a plan assembled in part by presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner—whom Stephen Colbert mocked last night: “Really? Jared Kushner is really calling for an end to giving people special treatment because of their relatives? You don’t want to rethink that?” (Cartoon: Keith Taylor.)
■ A former editor of The Onion regrets turning Joe Biden into a joke: “We let him off easy.”
R.I.P., Grumpy Cat. One of the internet’s most famous felines is no more.
■ Her trademark frown was a side-effect of feline dwarfism and an underbite. (2014 photo: Gage Skidmore.)
Thanks …
■ … to reader Dave Aron for catching the mistake in the Ricketts item above.
■ … to reader Pam Spiegel for spotting a vestigial preposition in the Trump item above.