HAPPY B-DAY, CTA. To mark the 125th anniversary of Chicago’s first elevated train system, the Chicago Transit Authority will hand out commemorative posters and run trains from 1923 and the ’70s around the Loop Tuesday.
‘TERRORISTS WILL HAVE WON.’ That’s the warning from a British politician worried about Prime Minister Theresa May’s call to curb radical jihadis by regulating public use of the internet.
■ Guardian editorial: “Policing thoughts rather than acts … is a bad idea.”
■ Continual BBC updates: What we know so far about those murderous attacks in London.
■ Brits respond with defiant humor: #NotReeling.
■ A fact-check of President Trump’s tweets on the attacks concludes he “can’t be counted on to give accurate information to Americans when violent acts are unfolding abroad.”
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JUNE CATERING AND DELIVERY: SPECIAL DEALS. La Buona Vita is redefining the Italian dining experience in Downtown La Grange. Get event announcements and insider offers—including graduation and Father’s Day specials—by signing up for our free weekly email.
SHOPPING PALL. The quantity of shopping center space to be built in the Chicago area this year is near an all-time low.
■ Eulogy for the shopping mall: “Where are the teenagers supposed to go?”
‘SAY NOTHING, SIGN NOTHING.’ That’s the upshot of a new ringtone jingle that hotel and restaurant workers union leaders are encouraging immigrants to download as a reminder of how to react if immigration officers come calling.
■ Trump criticizes his Justice Department’s position on his proposed travel ban.
■ Developing: The Supreme Court has agreed to decide how much privacy Americans merit for cellphone tracking data that can reveal their location and movement.
■ Politico says Trump’s NATO speech blindsided his national security team: “There was a fully coordinated other speech everybody else had worked on”—and it wasn’t the one Trump gave.
YOUR BOARD, YOUR VOTE? Gov. Rauner now has the option to sign a bill that would give Chicagoans power to elect the school board.
■ Illinois is years behind in grading public school students’ science achievement tests.
■ Charter school teachers have begun voting on a proposal to join the Chicago Teachers Union.
WHY YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT TIGER WOODS MUGSHOT IN LAST WEEK’S CHICAGO PUBLIC SQUARE. And other issues in the news dissected on this edition of Justin Kaufmann’s The Download on WGN Radio.
■ Add Illinois’ third richest man to the list of those considering buying the Sun-Times.
■ Republicans are plotting an anti-media strategy for the 2018 elections.
■ A ballet dancer leapt into action over the weekend, lifting to safety a man who’d fallen onto subway tracks in Manhattan.
■ Mayor Emanuel has launched his own podcast series. (But it could use some work.) [Link corrected.]
■ Developing: Bill Cosby faces Day One of a trial in which he’s accused of drugging and sexually assaulting a Temple University employee at his home in 2004.
■ Bill Maher’s use of the N-word on his show Friday night offers parents a chance, in the words of Tribune columnist Heidi Stevens, “to talk to our kids about being upstanders.”
■ (Black) New York Times critic Wesley Morris: “Should Mr. Maher lose his job? That would be too easy.”
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