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And now, the news:
Shot clock. Mark your calendar for Sept. 12, when Your Local Epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina says we’ll learn who’s eligible for an updated COVID-19 vaccine and why.
■ She says you may need three shots to protect against three viruses—and getting ’em all at once may not be the best strategy.
‘If the players and fans weren’t warned … just to keep business moving, that’s unconscionable.’ Sun-Times columnist Rick Telander calls an error on the way police and the White Sox handled the Friday night shooting of two women at Guaranteed Rate Field.
■ The cops say the shots seem to have come from inside the field …
■ … and the city’s interim police superintendent defends the decision to let the game play out.
■ A Chicago TV news crew reporting on armed robberies was … robbed at gunpoint early yesterday.
■ A shootout, crash and carjacking trifecta shut down the Bishop Ford Freeway last night.
■ ProPublica: Prosecutors are dropping cases that relied on testimony from a Chicago cop accused of lying under oath 44 times.
Library ‘chaos.’ Popular Information surveys the confusion and dissembling that has accompanied Florida school districts’ purging of books with LGBTQ characters and themes.
■ A college course illuminates the dark realities behind beloved children’s stories.
■ The book ban’s architect, Gov. and presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, is under fire for letting racism “fester” in the state.
‘Fossil fuel industry boosterism.’ That’s what Heated columnist Emily Atkin says candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is promoting, “hoping it will make him, and his billionaire friends, even more rich.”
■ At The Nib, cartoonist Tom Tomorrow invites you to meet the candidates:
■ The Conversation: Country music is going there on abortion.‘Every single one of these cases will hit the legal maneuvering high gear soon.’ Journalist Dan Sinker’s newsletter summarizes the plot so far in the fast-moving Georgia case against Donald Trump …
■ … who, along with his massive supporting cast, faces arraignment a week from tomorrow—with cameras in the courtroom.
■ The federal case against him’s set for trial March 4.
■ Columnist and law professor Joyce Vance: “With each transparent effort to prevent justice from coming for him, the courts seem to be … less willing to let Trump abuse the system.”
■ But his legal problems have also proven lucrative.
Jobs for migrants. Gov. Pritzker and Mayor Johnson are asking the feds to streamline work authorizations for asylum-seekers who can’t now be employed legally—especially for businesses desperate for more help, including “food processing, clean energy, health care (including in nursing and dentistry), transportation, warehousing.”
■ The City Council’s advanced a plan to turn an old Marine Corps training building into a shelter for more than 1,600 migrants.
Bargain hunters, rejoice. Sure, Chicago landlords are struggling to fill office buildings abandoned through the pandemic—but the result is space now available for a song to smaller companies and nonprofits.
■ The latest Carfax used car index finds price drops across the board, especially hybrids and electric vehicles.