Chicago Public Square returns in full Tuesday.
■ Meanwhile, you can always catch breaking news and other links of interest on the Square Facebook page.

Be ready.
■ Generate a customized ballot.
Be informed.
■ See ballot items, explained: Ballotpedia (mayoral race and other city contests) …
■ … and BallotReady.
■ Consult guides from the Tribune, the Sun-Times, WTTW, Block Club Chicago, The Triibe and the League of Women Voters.
■ See Block Club’s summary of the mayoral candidates’ positions on crime, public transportation, the Bears and more …
■ Axios Chicago’s questionnaire responses from all of them—except Mayor Lightfoot …
■ … and Chalkbeat Chicago’s rundown of their stands on education.
■ Streetsblog Chicago compares the candidates’ transportation platforms to actual CTA platforms.
■ Check their answers to the Better Government Association’s policy questionnaire …
■ … and the Chicago Reader / South Side Weekly overview of the city’s first Police District Council elections.
■ Test your election savvy with a quiz from the Trib …
■ … and one that WBEZ and the Sun-Times created to help you figure out which candidate most closely reflects your views.
Read endorsements …
■ … from the Tribune, Gazette Chicago and the Girl, I Guess Progressive Voter Guide to the 2023 Chicago Municipal Election (link updated).
Do it.
■ Learn where to vote—and get a customized ballot with all the decisions you’ll face.
■ Get briefed on how to vote early.
■ Or vote by mail.
This is a work in progress.
■ Spot a mistake? Know of another source that’ll help people vote smart? Email
‘Seems biased woke left.’ Chicago Public Square lost a subscriber after Friday’s edition …
■ … which would have stung more if not for the many other new readers who’ve signed up (welcome!) after learning about Square from Eric Zorn at his Picayune Sentinel …
■ … and the many readers who support this publication financially—including Steve Ignots, Chris Ruys, John McClelland, Jack Bizot, LJ in Arkansas, Ken Scott, Marc Magliari, Jack Hafferkamp, William Wheelhouse, Andrea Agrimonti, Doug Freedman, Collin Canright, Janean Bowersmith, Ann Johnson Arellano, Mike Trenary, Emily Blum, Debbie Becker, Michael Weiland, Shel Lustig, Michael Wilson, Ian Morrison, Tim Brandhorst, Patricia Skaja, Angela Mullins, Bill Drudge, John Kowalski, Ralph Sherman, David Walker, Scott Baskin, Brian J. Taylor, Nancy Burns, Annemarie Kiill, Marj Halperin, Jan Czarnik, Lawrence Weiland, Patrick Egan, Laurie & Bill Bunkers, Russ Williams, Alan Hoffstadter, Patrick Stout and Michael Romain.
■ You can join their ranks here for as little as $1.
But then, a happy ending—for now. After a note to that reader welcoming “any insight you can provide regarding your conclusion that Square ‘seems biased woke left,’” he re-subscribed: “I’m impressed that you personally reached out to me. I’m not solid on my opinion that Chicago Public Square seems biased woke left so I will give your publication another try.”
■ And he’s getting a free Square T-shirt.
Thanks. Deborah J. Wess made this edition better.