Funny thing. For reasons still unclear—and under investigation—workers at Donald Trump’s namesake Chicago tower got COVID-19 vaccines from a hospital whose COO just happens to own a condo there …
■ … and who, Block Club Chicago reports, bragged that same day about vaccinating Eric Trump—in possible violation of Chicago’s vaccine guidelines.
■ Coming today: The city’s plan for 1c vaccinations—for all essential workers and those 16 and older with underlying conditions.
When you’re 64. The Tribune surveys people whose age puts them thisclose to getting vaccinated.
■ The Trib’s Mary Schmich: What will you do when you’re fully vaccinated?
■ Planning to fly? You may need to reveal whether you’ve gotten a shot.
■ A pandemic upside: The flu took a holiday.
Naperville’s ‘paranoid fringe.’ Trib columnist Eric Zorn says of all those maskless faces at a weekend rally: “They want you to heed their advice about when and how to open up schools? I’ll look elsewhere, thanks.”
■ Chicago public high schools could reopen April 19.
■ Chicago Public Square one year ago: “Every Illinois K-12 school is shuttered as of today.”
Concerts’ comeback. Wrigley Field shows canceled by the coronavirus last year are back on the schedule.
■ Ravinia shows are set to resume in July.
■ Cook County’s first jury trial in more than a year is on the docket for Monday.
‘It’s encouraging to conjure sentiments so stupid that people aren’t expressing them.’ The Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg is comforted that Irish Americans aren’t complaining about cancelation of Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day parades.
■ The U.S. Census Bureau puts Cook County atop a list of counties by estimated population that claim Irish ancestry.
■ Environmentalists warn that dyeing the Chicago River green may not be harmless, “because the ingredients … are a closely guarded secret.”
■ St. Patrick wasn’t Irish.
Cars jacked. Police say a carjacking and robbery crew was busy Sunday and Monday on the Near West and Near South Sides.
■ A Lyft driver says his passengers carjacked him after he told them not to vape.
Line items. An Illinois Senate committee was set today to begin the work of redrawing legislative district maps to match the 2020 census—even though the data may not be available for months.
■ State Senate President Don Harmon, who says “my hometown of Oak Park was diced up six ways to Sunday” 30 years ago, pledges that experience “will inform how the Senate approaches the redistricting process this year.”
‘Instead of trashing the protections Illinoisans have … expand them.’ A Sun-Times editorial implores lawmakers not to gut the state’s pioneering 2008 Biometric Information Protection Act, which limits companies’ use of personal data, like your fingerprints.
■ Google’s new Nest Hub smart screen can track your sleep and hand-gesture commands—without a camera.
■ Actor Justin Long, Apple’s “Mac guy” of a decade ago, is switching teams.
Amazon’s Chicago workers win one, but … The Intercept details a National Labor Relations Board victory for workers at a South Side plant that Amazon says it’ll close next month.
■ Bloomberg: Those Amazon Fresh stores popping up around the Chicago area and the nation are “a grocery industry throwback, rather than a bold step forward.”
‘Yeesh, no wonder something went wrong.’ Media writer Tom Jones examines how The Washington Post wound up publishing a fake quote from Donald Trump.
■ A Michigan State University law prof who used to be a journalist: Lawsuits against news organizations may not hurt freedom of the press.
■ University of Washington researchers: Prosecuting ex-presidents for corruption is trending worldwide—but it’s not necessarily good for democracy.
At Square’s email deadline … The Reader was set to announce the winners of its Best of Chicago poll. Check here after 10 a.m.