Bluegrass wait. Chicago’s Emergency Travel Order, requiring people arriving from COVID-struggling states to quarantine for two weeks, now includes Kentucky.
■ Benighted families demonstrated last night for the return of sports and in-person classes at a west suburban high school.
■ Los Angeles has canceled trick-or-treating this Halloween.
‘It’s going horribly.’ The pandemic is wreaking hell on college towns’ census counts.
■ A University of Colorado Boulder engineering professor explains how ultraviolet light can make indoor spaces safer—with some precautions for your eyes.
■ Columnist Luke O’Neil goes after “the villainous predatory lenders” who squeeze college students “for the rest of our lives.”
Where’s the video? The Chicago Police Department is supposed to release within 60 days any footage it has of police officers using force. But even though the city’s on-duty cops have shot at least five people since July, the Tribune reports not a frame has been shared in any of those cases.
■ The police leadership of Rochester, New York, has retired after the video-recorded suffocation death of a Black man from Chicago in the custody of officers there.
■ Police have charged an 18-year-old man with the murder of a 32-year-old mother of two working at a Wicker Park Walgreens store.
■ The Chicago City Council was set today to OK a $4 million payout to an ex-cop reassigned after complaining about abuse from another officer.
■ The council was set to meet today beginning at 10 a.m., and you can watch here.
‘They’re propping up a dying industry.’ An environmental advocacy lawyer condemns the Trump administration’s relaxed regulation of coal-fired power plants—exempting many from doing anything at all about the release of poisonous metals into rivers and lakes, including Lake Michigan.
■ Headed to the City Council: Mayor Lightfoot’s proposal to set tighter limits on industrial polluters near residential areas—a plan that environmental activists say doesn’t do more than the bare minimum.
■ A new UN report warns the world is close to passing a global temperature limit world leaders set five years ago.
■ The Conversation: “Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial.”
‘Wear a tie.’ Columnist Irv Leavitt offers tips for civil rights protesters.
■ The Sun-Times’ Phil Kadner: “Fascism begins to take root when leaders … claim that those who would criticize them are in fact attacking the country.”
■ The founding president of Genocide Watch warns: “QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded.”
■ Poynter’s Tom Jones: “Trump calling someone stupid, even his presidential opponent, really is not newsworthy. … What’s breathtaking … is that it no longer is newsworthy.”
Biking relief. One of Chicago’s most popular and dangerous bicycling routes—Milwaukee Avenue through Logan Square—will get protected bike lanes later this month.
■ Have an idea on how to improve transportation in Chicago? Share your suggestions with the Transport Chicago conference next month.
Blown away. Struggling with a loss of ad revenue through the pandemic, Windy City Times, “the voice of Chicago’s gay, lesbian, bi, trans and queer community,” is ending print publication after 35 years and furloughing three of five employees as it goes all-digital.
■ The Tow Center for Digital Journalism is tracking newsroom cutbacks nationwide.
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