Beware 'the Boogaloo' / The infected and the dead / We're No. 3

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Beware ‘the Boogaloo.’ That’s far-right terminology for civil war, a call to which some activists perceived in President’s Trump’s tweeted calls to “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” and other states from stay-home orders.
The Washington Post: “A trio of far-right, pro-gun provocateurs is behind some of the largest Facebook groups calling for anti-quarantine protests.” (Cartoon: Keith J. Taylor.)
HBO’s John Oliver (in a show you can see free on YouTube here) eviscerates Fox News’ misinformation in the pandemic: “If swimming pools were killing 360,000 a year and you could contract a swimming pool on a trip to the grocery store, we might want to think about shutting them down until we worked out what the f___ was going on.”

‘Open Illinois!’ A relative handful of simple folk here and in at least four other states spent their Sunday protesting stay-home orders.
Gov. Pritzker says it’s not that easy.
Health care workers stood in the street to block protesters in Denver. (Photo: Joel Meyerson.)
Axios: Deciding which businesses are “essential” is rife with randomness.
Orland Park: We’re not canceling festivals and concerts.

The infected and the dead.
The 5-year-old daughter of a cop and a firefighter in Detroit is the first Michigan child to die of COVID-19.
The outbreak at Chicago’s high-rise federal prison, the Metropolitan Correctional Center, is bigger than the public’s been led to believe.
Almost one in four Illinois deaths from COVID-19 came in nursing homes.
A Brooklyn care home reports at least 55 deaths—presumably due to COVID-19—but hasn’t been able to test a single resident.
A doctor warns the virus’ spread in Chicago’s homeless shelters could break the city’s capacity to help.
Five men who attended an Indiana high school basketball playoff game March 6 are dead of the virus.
Preliminary research raises the possibility the coronavirus can linger in the testicles—making men prone to longer and more severe infections.
Broadway and TV actor Nick Cordero has lost a leg to complications from the virus.
Vulture is updating a list of celebrities who’ve tested positive.

Positive trends. Illinois Sunday reported 33 coronavirus deaths in the previous 24 hours—its lowest daily toll in nearly two weeks.
California has evidence shelter-in-place orders not only have dramatically reduced air pollution, they’ve also cut vehicle-related accidents injuries and deaths by half.
Germany and other countries that’ve seen their infection rates flatten have begun reopening some businesses.
A kangaroo hopped along a major street in one of Australia’s biggest cities.

Another day, another lump of lies. CNN fact-checks President Trump’s latest coronavirus briefing.
CNN’s Brian Stelter praises “a new generation of correspondents” for “not taking President Trump’s not-my-fault routine for an answer.”
Journalism guru Jay Rosen offers five ways news organizations can improve their coronavirus coverage—including “Dislodge Trump from his position as ‘protagonist’ of the coronavirus story.”
Poynter’s Tom Jones: Making the rounds on Sunday morning’s network talk shows, Vice President Pence “didn’t have a great day.”
FiveThirtyEight: Reporters have been “deferring too much to the administration.”

Checking up. ProPublica tackles “What’s the deal with coronavirus stimulus checks, and how do I get one?
The IRS is running way behind on (regular) tax refunds.
Shake Shack is returning the $10 million paycheck protection loan it got, acknowledging other companies need the money more.

We’re No. 3. A new ACLU report ranks Illinois third in the nation for racial disparities in arrests for marijuana possession: “Black people are still more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white people in every state.” (Clarifying: Data on arrests since marijuana’s legalization in Illinois Jan. 1 wasn’t included in the report.)
The pandemic has harshed the buzz around the first 4/20 “high holiday” since marijuana’s widespread legalization.
 The Onion: “Daily marijuana use increased nearly threefold this month among 26-year-old Gary.”

Storytime. Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be reading kids’ books, live on the web, at 11 a.m. Chicago time today and for the following three Mondays.
Chicago Parent rounds up 15 free online workouts for the family.

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Thanks, Anthony Caciopo and Pam Spiegel, for making this edition better.

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