Trump, racist / Gator got / 'Computer alarms began to pop up'

Trump, racist. The New York Times’ David Leonhardt: “President Trump doesn’t just make racist comments. He is a racist. He’s proven it again and again, over virtually his entire time as a public figure.”

The Times has a “definitive” list of the president’s public racist statements.
The Sun-Times’ Mary Mitchell: “When I look at him, all I see is an angry white man … with guns loaded, swinging a rope.”
News media have hesitantly embraced the notion that Trump’s remarks are racist.
Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan: “Journalists don’t need to see themselves as political advocates when they say obvious things in plain terms. … It just means they are doing the most fundamental job they have: telling the truth as plainly and directly as possible.”
A Tribune editorial requests that Trump not abandon Twitter: “Keep it up. Show the American people more of what’s in your heart, Mr. President. Continue to undermine your own policy agenda with controversial and irrational postings.”
A Sun-Times editorial: “The 2020 presidential election, and Donald Trump’s defeat, can’t come soon enough.”

‘If someone is leaving this country, it should be you! And if you’re looking for a new home, might I suggest that you go to hell!’ Stephen Colbert didn’t hold back last night as he dissected the president’s suggestion that his critics leave the country.
The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah eviscerates the president’s defense: “Imagine if Hitler was like, ‘I know everybody says I’m bad, but have you seen how many people are waving at me in the streets? If I was racist, they would say something, yeah?’” (Cartoon: Keith J. Taylor.)
The Atlantic’s Adam Serwer: “These are all reflections of the president’s ideological belief that only white people can truly be American citizens.”
Republican political strategist Rick Wilson: “The president delivered a mouth-breathing clod take on the majesty and magic of our country, our history, and our Constitution, and a middle finger to our immigrant ancestors.”
Voting by Muslim Americans is on an upswing, and so is the number of Muslim candidates for office.
In a gesture to address the Cubs owners’ familial streak of racism, the team had a Muslim community leader throw out yesterday’s first pitch.

‘We need to move where there’s a landlord that loves our mission.’ A shelter for refugee families is itself seeking refuge as it faces getting kicked out of an old convent by the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago.
A new study blames discrimination for the slow growth of home prices in African American neighborhoods in Chicago and elsewhere.

Gator got. Chicago’s weeklong quest for the Humboldt Park Lagoon alligator has come to an end …
 … a day after the city brought in a pro. (Cartoon: Why, the unstoppable Keith J. Taylor, of course.)
The state and federal governments are investigating the death of 40 protected birds at a Chicago water filtration plant.
A contrary view of plastic trash: We might be better off not recycling it.

‘What about the kids … that hate the police?’ At a training session for Chicago cops assigned to public schools, one officer vowed to “police their ass.”
The white cop who shot and killed a black man in South Bend, whose mayor is running for president, has quit.
Illinois’ regulatory crackdown on gun dealers takes effect tomorrow, but more than half of them haven’t applied for the required licenses.

Fastest way to O’Hare? Tribune reporters tested the CTA, Metra and ride-sharing services to declare a winner.
The top floors of the downtown landmark formerly known as Marshall Field’s—formerly used to store furs and make chocolate—are slated to become a home for thousands of office workers.
Facing legal trouble with the City of Chicago, the TV show Windy City Rehab is getting a new co-host.

‘Computer alarms began to pop up.’ Fifty years after the historic launch of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, hear a “Voice of Apollo” public information officer’s recollections—recorded for the mission’s 20-year anniversary.
Gizmodo: How moon landing conspiracy theories spread before the internet.

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And thanks … to reader Mike Braden for spotting an article missing from the Apollo 11 item above.

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