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■ The family of the California synagogue shooting suspect: “To our great shame, he is now part of the history of evil that has been perpetrated on Jewish people for centuries.”
■ The Daily Beast: “A massive white supremacist network online right now” is “calling for people to carry out more terrorist attacks.”
■ A coworker told prosecutors that Aurora warehouse gunman Gary Martin issued a threat before the rampage: “If I get fired, I’m going to kill every mother____er here.” (Cartoon: Keith Taylor.)
‘The city keeps cars basically as ransom.’ A lawsuit demands Chicago stop seizing vehicles used in some crimes and return those whose owners were themselves never charged.
■ The Sun-Times’ veteran City Hall reporter Fran Spielman gives departing Mayor Rahm Emanuel an F for his ability to play well with others.
■ A recount concession means that, for the first time in 44 years, the Northwest Side won’t be represented by an alderman named Mell.
Moisture menace. Beware flood-producing downpours in the Chicago area over the next few days.
■ The New York Times: From Illinois popcorn to Washington State apples, climate change is altering the foods America grows.
■ Environmental groups are teaming up on a fundraising machine to unseat Donald Trump.
■ Trump and his family are suing banks to keep them from sharing financial records with Congress.
■ An ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush says it looks “terrible” that Trump’s campaign manager gave a paid speech in Romania.
■ Columnist Dana Milbank in The Washington Post: “Let’s impeach Trump for being a great president.”
Chase’s tweet retreat. Shamed by presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren and Twitter in general, Chase killed a post that went viral in a bad way.
■ Students at a suburban high school were planning a walkout today to protest a social media post showing students in blackface.
■ A company is apologizing for help-wanted ads that sought “preferably Caucasian” candidates.
■ Workers at Google, Starbucks, PayPal and others are planning a massive call-in to Capitol Hill tomorrow.
Goodbye, Winnetka. Ex-Gov. Rauner is selling his suburban home.
■ As massive legislation to legalize marijuana nears rollout in Springfield, Politico reports, “the General Assembly’s Black Caucus will likely play an outsized role” in what happens.
A $150 CTA fare. A fundraiser will put you on a daylong trip aboard a 1923-vintage railcar—lunch included.
■ Los Angeles has its own Green New Deal plan—to reach a zero-emissions transportation network by 2050.
A Jeopardy! win—by $18. Naperville native and University of Illinois alumnus James Holzhauer pushed his win streak to 18 games Monday … but just barely.
■ A fellow Chicago-area contestant he beat in his first game knew she was in trouble from the start.
■ Friends and colleagues said farewell yesterday to “bigger than life” Chicago sportscaster Chet Coppock.
Thanks … to readers Joe Lynn, David Jones and Mike Braden for help proofreading this edition.