Newspaper fight! The Sun-Times goes after the Trib in an editorial on Chicago’s ripening mayoral race: “Why the Tribune crush on Paul Vallas so early in the dance?”
■ Tribune columnist Eric Zorn: “Deal’s off! Time for Emanuel to name and shame Daley.”
■ Mayoral candidate—and former Chicago Public Schools principal—Troy LaRaviere accuses the school system of breaking the law.
One reason not to hate Chicago’s booting crews so much. For the last couple of months, the workers slapping immobilizing boots on ticket scofflaws’ cars have also been using license plate recognition tech to identify and recover carjacked vehicles.
■ A South Side alderman complains the city’s test of “dockless” bike sharing gives his constituents “a substandard, throwaway” program.
■ The Sun-Times’ “unofficial bike share chronicler,” Neil Steinberg, takes the new arrivals for a spin. (Did you know they have electric motors?)
A Chicago Public Square advertiser.

‘Wrong again.’ President Trump is shaming his former TV home, NBC, for erroneously reporting the feds had tapped Trump’s lawyer’s phones.
■ … in a report NBC corrected after its inclusion in yesterday’s afternoon Chicago Public Square Annex email update.
■ The Wall Street Journal: Trump and his new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, planned Giuliani’s surprise Stormy Daniels revelations without telling staff.
■ …leaving many in the West Wing stunned.
■ Trump on Giuliani this morning: “He started yesterday. He’ll get his facts straight.” (Cartoon by Keith Taylor.)
■ Stephen Colbert wants a piece of that Stormy money: “I had sex with Donald Trump.”
■ White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a rough day at the podium: “Were you lying to us?”
■ … and, The Washington Post concludes, she basically blamed Trump for misleading her.
■ Twenty years ago this week: A long-unheard interview with a guy who set the stage for Trump’s ascendance.
Shooting for support. Updating coverage: Trump speaks to the National Rifle Association convention today in Dallas.
■ Vox: A pregnant black woman is in prison for defending herself. Mainstream gun groups are silent.
■ In Chicago, a hunt’s on for the person who shot a federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent in the head on the South Side.
‘He’s a predator.’ Two more women—including a Chicago mother of three—are accusing R. Kelly of sexual abuse.
■ Amid a separate abuse scandal, the Swedish Academy says it won’t award a Nobel Prize in literature this year.
■ Convicted sex offenders Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski are out at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Sunscreen eclipsed. Hawaii is about to ban thousands of sun-protection products because they’re harmful to coral reefs.
■ Personal care wipes, household wipes, industrial wipes, pet wipes and baby wipes are clogging waterways.
■ The last time Earth’s atmosphere contained this much carbon dioxide, humans were yet to exist.
■ 122.4°F in Pakistan this week may have set a world record. (Related listening: Yesterday’s Chicago Public Square Newscast.)
■ The Washington Post: U.S. EPA chief Scott Pruitt drew up a wish list of travel destinations and then ordered his staff to justify those visits.
Oakbrook overhaul. Life Time Fitness, Lands’ End and L.L. Bean are moving into some of Sears’ old space at Oakbrook Center.
■ Macy’s tries yoga to refresh its stores.
Unrelated developments.
■ Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ foundation is pledging $158 million to fight U.S. poverty.
■ Amazon founder Jeff Bezos “plans to spend his billions like a Bond villain.”
A Chicago Public Square advertiser.

■ Yesterday’s Chicago Public Square served up a bad link for a column by the Tribune’s John Kass. Here’s the right one. Thanks to reader Ron Schwartz for the catch.
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