… aaaand we’re back.
■ The association is disassociating itself.
■ The Daily Beast: Wolf “gave voice to the anger of people … who aren’t in a symbiotic relationship with Trumpian chaos.”
■ Molly Roberts in The Washington Post: “Wolf did a better job of defending the First Amendment than those who say that’s our business.”
■ The text of Wolf’s speech, annotated by the Post.
■ President Trump tweets: “This was a total disaster.”
■ Boston Herald columnist Michael Graham’s take on what journalists did Saturday night: “They accidentally revealed the truth.”
■ At RedState, no sympathy for one of Wolf’s targets, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who “signed on to be the mouthpiece for a guy who unfairly mocked people’s appearances, disabilities, and genders.”
■ In Reason, Nick Gillespie says it’s time to end the dinner: “The problem with a pissing contest is that everybody involved ends up getting wet.”
‘You’re telling me to make the VP safe there aren’t any weapons around but when it comes to children they want guns everywhere?’ Students who survived the Parkland, Florida, massacre are mocking a ban on guns when Vice President Pence addresses a National Rifle Association convention Friday.
■ The Sun-Times is launching an editorial campaign to end gun violence: “31 bullets”—the number the ammunition industry produces each year per man, woman and child in America.
■ From the archives in 1980: Sun-Times columnist Mike Royko explains why he created the National Association for the Legalization of Machine guns, Bazookas, Hand Grenades, Cannons, Land Mines and Anything Else That Goes Boom (NALMBHGCLMAETGB).
A Chicago Public Square advertiser.

If only Illinois and Indiana could do the same. Not only have North and South Korea agreed to work toward peace, they’ve also agreed to unify their time zones.
■ South Korea’s president is backing Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Holy shame. Two security guards have been arrested and accused of stealing up to $100,000 in collections from Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral.
■ Chicago’s inspector general is raising a flag about the Police Department’s massive gang membership database: “It is a very loose system with very little public understanding. And a lot of fear.”
Pritzker’s pot connection. Gubernatorial candidate J.B. Pritzker—who said in his primary election night speech, “Let’s legalize marijuana!”—has a family tie to the movement: His second cousin is an investor in companies that would profit from legalization.
■ In Springfield, a tug of war grows over how—and how quickly—to spend Illinois’ $109 million windfall share of the settlement in Volkswagen’s pollution-cheating scandal.
■ A new Illinois news website founded by a former gubernatorial candidate aims to counter conservative news sites’ rise.
‘This is not your grandmother’s Superstar.’ In the Sun-Times, Catey Sullivan gives four stars to the Lyric Opera’s first rock musical, Jesus Christ Superstar.
■ So does the Tribune’s Chris Jones. (Photo: Todd Rosenberg.)
Better cell service? Making their case for a merger, T-Mobile and Sprint say their combined customer base would have greater coverage across the country.
■ But the deal could mean less competition—fewer innovations and price-cuts—to win you over.
■ An interview from 20 years ago: The man who really saved a struggling Apple—and lost his job because of it.
A Chicago Public Square advertiser.