NEWSPAPER FIGHT. Developing: As Wednesday’s deadline looms in the potential takeover of the Sun-Times and the Reader by the Tribune’s parent company, a consultant to the guild representing the two newsrooms says at least two other parties have raised their hands—which may be enough to scrub the deal for now.
■ Amid rising hostility to the press, someone shattered the windows of a Kentucky newspaper, apparently with a bullet.
■ A Denver Post sports columnist is out after a racial comment on Twitter.
‘I WANT EVERYBODY ON THE TRAIN TO KNOW I LOVE THEM.’ A witness says those were among the last words from one of two men killed in Portland Friday when they stood up to a man who was shouting hateful remarks about various ethnicities and religions.
■ An anti-terrorism ad is going viral in the Middle East.
TRUMP SHAKEUP. A veteran Republican strategist is quitting as the president’s communications director.
■ Expect fewer on-camera media briefings.
■ Matthew Yglesias in Vox: “When Trump says something … he’s … trying to … see who around him will debase themselves to repeat it blindly.”
■ Peter Maass for The Intercept: The true targets in Trump’s war on journalism are “the government officials who provide us with the news for our stories.”
■ Sources: Russian leaders last year talked about having potentially “derogatory” financial info on then-presidential candidate Trump. But they may have been bluffing.
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‘WHEN YOU PICK UP A GUN AND YOU PULL THAT TRIGGER, YOU LOSE MY SYMPATHY.’ An Illinois state representative champions a bill the House is sending the Senate—to increase penalties for second-time gun offenders.
■ Chicago’s Memorial Day shootings leapt on the last day of the extended weekend.
■ Friday is National Gun Violence Day, when activists want you to wear orange.
CHICAGO’S WHITE POPULATION BOOM. The Sun-Times reports census numbers that show Chicago’s occupancy shrinking also show white residents flocking to neighborhoods near downtown while black residents abandon violent neighborhoods in droves.
■ A bill to automatically register Illinoisans to vote has passed the state House.
■ Chicago’s lakefront bike trail is getting a makeover that’ll force closures and detours.
■ The fight to restore Illinois’ vast oak tree population is taking it up a notch.
■ Richard Roeper: “The most heroic and the most ‘real’ Wonder Woman in movie (and television) history.”
■ Michael Phillips: An “almost entirely successful bid to make the DC Comics movies a little less lame.”