CHICAGO’S LOSS. The city’s the only one among the nation’s top 10 to lose population last year.
■ A city worker who bragged about issuing thousands of parking tickets has been yanked off the beat.
■ Former presidential candidate Willie Wilson—considering a run for governor—is pouring $150,000 into a fund to help Chicagoans keep their homes.
■ Illinois legislators have served up a couple of proposals to legalize recreational marijuana.
■ Aldermen are considering a plan to let younger cashiers ring up alcohol purchases. (Photo credit: Mindfrieze on Flickr.)
TERROR TODAY. From The Guardian: What we know so far about the attack at the Houses of Parliament.
■ Donald Trump Jr. has been labeled a “disgrace” for his tweet after the attack.
■ An Israeli man with U.S. citizenship has been arrested in connection with threats to Jewish institutions in the U.S and other countries.
‘THE KIDS THINK THIS IS FUNNY.’ The mother of a 15-year-old Chicago girl whose assault was streamed live on Facebook tells the AP neighborhood kids have been harassing her family.
■ See a crime on Facebook Live? Here’s what to do.
IS TRUTH DEAD? In an interview with Time, President Trump talks about his relationship with the facts: “I’m a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right.”
■ Time editor: “It is vital that we be able to believe our President … . This President has made both a severe challenge.”
■ Time’s fresh play on a classic cover.
■ How the pros cover Trump on Twitter.
■ The Federal Election Commission chief is asking the president to spill what he knows about voter fraud.
■ A Republican who said only Democrats committed voter fraud now faces vote-fraud charges himself.
■ A Hawaii Republican has quit the party after criticizing Trump.
‘MORE OF A MESS.’ The conservative RedState lists four ways House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has made things worse for the Trump administration. (Update, 10:26 a.m.: Nunes apologizes.)
■ Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein: A report the FBI has information indicating President Trump’s associates may have coordinated with Russia justifies his suspicion that “there’s a coverup going on.”
■ HBO is making a documentary about the Washington Post’s Watergate-era editor.
YOUR ENERGY SECRETARY AT WORK. In an unusual descent by a national politician into campus politics, Trump Cabinet member and ex-Texas Gov. Rick Perry has complained in a newspaper op-ed piece that the results of a recent student election at his alma mater are suspect.
■ Arts advocates get an unexpected ally in the fight against Trump’s budget cuts: Ex-presidential candidate and amateur guitarist Mike Huckabee.
■ Legal analysis: Ivanka Trump’s West Wing job is unethical—and dangerous.
GORSUCH, INTERRUPTED. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer says Democrats will filibuster the president's nomination of Neil Gorsuch to join the Supreme Court.
■ The Guardian on that time Supreme Court nominee “Gorsuch put corporate interests over a man freezing to death.”
AROMATHERAPY, BUT NOT CHEMOTHERAPY? A Wharton prof warns the Republican health care reform plan could induce people to buy cheap care, even if it’s worthless.
■ NBC News lists “everything you need to know“ about the vote.
STARBUCKS’ CHICAGO PLANS. It’s going to launch a new lunch menu here.
■ … and add almost a quarter of a million jobs worldwide over the next four years.
SPORTS+SCIENCE. Former leaders of the Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium are taking a swing at the idea of a Chicago museum that would use sports to teach visitors about everything from physics to statistics to race relations.
■ In an interview that aired 20 years ago today (13:14 in this audio originally broadcast on WNUA-FM), physics Nobel Prize winner Leon Lederman assessed American science and math education: “The United States is … way down there among the more … so-called primitive countries.”
■ Arctic sea ice has set a record low level for the third year in a row.
■ Pictures dramatize climate change’s impact in the arctic.
■ Chicago’s on course for historic warmth Friday.