Sure, you know Chicago Public Square—the Chicago Reader’s Best Blog of 2019—is essential reading.
But if your friends don’t know that, give ’em the gift of Square—a subscription plus the benefits that go with each of the support levels listed below. Or use any of the options below to make a single nonrecurring contribution to Square on your own behalf.
Your gift is the ideal way to introduce a friend to Square. It underwrites Square’s brand of smart, omnivorous coverage that doesn’t waste your time—and you both get the perks listed.
■ Square gifts don’t recur; your recipient will get an invitation to renew financial support at the end of a year. But the subscription to Square will continue free, regardless—because that’s the way we roll.
■ If your cash is spoken for, you can instead send a friend an invitation just to subscribe (free) here.
■ And if you really like Square, you can make an ongoing pledge here.
You and your recipient get …
■ To say, “I back Chicago’s greatest news briefing.”
■ Your name and your recipient’s (if you wish) added to the roster of The Legion of Chicago Public Squarians.
You and your recipient get the rewards of being a Fan plus …
■ Invitations to the special Squarians group on Facebook.
You and your recipient get all the rewards of being an Advocate plus …
■ Square’ll retweet or quote you and your recipient on Twitter (if you wish).
You and your recipient get all the rewards of being an Enthusiast plus …
■ For the nonprofit organization(s) of your choice: A bottom-slot promotional text message in an issue of Square.
Questions about Square gifts?