Here’s an abbreviated—but fun and helpful—edition of Chicago Public Square. Back to full strength Monday.
■ Through the weekend, as ever, catch breaking news and commentary on the Square Facebook page (no membership required; just tap the X to dismiss that nagging popup), where readers since yesterday have found stories including these:
■ … who threw the book at her, as seen in this video.
Help fix the news. The Chicago Independent Media Alliance—now under the auspices of Public Narrative—wants your insights and ideas for sustaining Chicago’s media. Take less than a minute to fill out this application to serve in a one-hour online focus group and, if you’re selected, get a $100 stipend.
Early voting for the November election’s begun in Chicago. Which means it’s time for the …
■ The Square Voter Guide Guide is a work in progress. Suggestions and corrections welcome. Email
Quiz! With your civic duties in order, take a few minutes to savor a fresh measure of your news savvy, courtesy of past Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions winner Fritz Holznagel.
■ Your Square columnist racked up a decent 7/8 correct. Can you top that?
■ Meanwhile: Lyz Lenz’s Dingus of the Week is North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson.
■ Questions? Email
Thanks. Tom O’Malley and Mike Braden made this edition better.