Chicago Public Square’s taking a few days off. Back with a full roundup Wednesday. As ever, of course, you’ll find breaking news and commentary between editions on the Square Facebook page. (No Facebook membership required.)
Meanwhile, it wouldn’t be Friday without a weekly news quiz, devised by The Conversation’s quizmaster, past Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions winner Fritz Holznagel.
To match Square columnist Charlie Meyerson’s score on this one, you’ll need to be perfect.
And you know what keeps Square coming back after breaks? Readers who make clear through their financial support that they value this service—people including Jeanne Mcinerney, Lawrence Perlman, Eric Reinert, Dave Walker, Dawn Haney, Brian Gunderson, Emily Blum, Susan Tyson, Heather Foote, Jim Peterson, Janean Bowersmith, Kurt Wehrmeister, Jessica Mackinnon, Susan S. Stevens, Beth Kujawski, Jeffery Angevine, Joe Gauss, Meghan Strubel, Ellen Cutter, Ted Naron, Phil Vettel, Brian Cassidy, Rob Breymaier, Sarah Hoban, Maureen Stratton, the Skubish Family, Joan Berman, Liz Meisterling, Gordon Hellwig, David Boulanger, Doug Strubel, Lil Levant, Deborah J. Wess, Bob Izral, Sabrina Deitch, Robert S. Gold, Timothy Jackson, David Hammond, John Evans, Robert Toon, Susy Schultz, Kathy Wyman and Doug Waco, k.h., Gregg Runburg, Mark Wukas, Sally Donatiello, Bridget Hatch, Margaret Meyer, Andrew Stancioff, Peter Chien, Steve Winner, Scott Tindale and Gil Herman.
■ Pitch in whatever you think Chicago Public Square’s worth—a one-time show of support or a continuing pledge—and see your name in Wednesday’s supporter roll call.