Happy National Support Chicago Public Square Day!

As on each March 12, we thank readers who support the award-winning Chicago Public Square, “Chicago’s new front page”—essential reading if you care about Chicago, the region, government and politics, business, technology, the environment, journalism and the media. As one subscriber put it, “I read two news feeds daily, The New York Times’ and yours. I find yours more informative and displaying greater wit and gravitas.”

Your recurring pledge at any of the levels below underwrites Square’s brand of smart, omnivorous coverage that doesn’t waste your time. And it gets you $5 off a Square cap or T-shirt

NOTE: You can change your support level or discontinue your pledge at any time. Or you can drop a one-time show of support into the Square tip jar.

$30 per quarter (About 50¢ per issue; cancel anytime)
You’ll get …
To say, “I back Chicago’s greatest news briefing.”
Your name (if you wish) added to the roster of The Legion of Chicago Public Squarians.


$50 per quarter (About 83¢ per issue; cancel anytime)
You’ll get the rewards of being a Fan plus
Invitation to a special Squarians group on Facebook.
Your name (if you wish) hyperlinked to the website of your choice on The Legion of Chicago Public Squarians webpage.


$75 per quarter (About $1.25 per issue; cancel anytime)
You’ll get all the rewards of being an Advocate plus
Square’ll retweet or quote you on Twitter X some other social platform (if you wish).


$125 per quarter (About $2.00 per issue; cancel anytime)
You’ll get all the rewards of being an Enthusiast plus
For the nonprofit organization of your choice: One bottom-slot promotional text message in an issue of Square.


$175 per quarter (Less than $3 per issue; cancel anytime)
You’ll get all the rewards of being a Booster plus
A personal shoutout on the Square Facebook page.


Or name your own contribution—monthly support or a one-time tip.

Questions about Square rewards?
Email Rewards@ChicagoPublicSquare.com.

Subscribe to Square.