Money for you. If you’re among those kicking themselves for not collecting $398 from Facebook under Illinois’ groundbreaking Biometric Information Privacy Act, don’t miss the next round of high-tech payouts—this time from Google …
■ … which will send an estimated $200 to $400 per person to those who were Illinois residents when their faces appeared in Google Photos between May 2015 and April 25 of this year.
■ You have until Sept. 24 to submit the claim form …
■ … which only takes about three minutes to fill out here—so do it now.
Another cop downed. For the third time in a week, a law enforcement officer Sunday was shot and wounded in Chicago …
■ … the second for that period in the city’s Englewood district.
■ Cops said it began with a traffic stop.
■ Chicago’s weekend gun violence tally: Six dead, 27 wounded.
■ Chicago magazine’s Edward McClelland: “Gun control doesn’t work in Chicago because we don’t have gun control.”
■ The Texas Tribune reports that more than 250 self-declared gun enthusiasts, including donors who have contributed to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, have signed a letter supporting bipartisan gun reform …
■ … but Republican Party documents reviewed by Rolling Stone reveal the party’s strategy in the days after the Uvalde school massacre: “Change the topic to literally anything else.”
■ The Conversation: The legal age for purchasing assault weapons doesn’t make sense.
■ Popular Information: The National Rifle Association talks big on school safety, but spends squat.
■ HBO’s John Oliver (free on YouTube) rejects the notion that more cops with guns is the solution to school safety: Kids “definitely deserve better than the fundamental lie the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy who can arrest a 5-year-old.”
■ The Onion: “Biden Now Just Delivering Continuous, Up-To-The-Minute Speech Mourning Shooting Victims.”
‘Nothing but slime.’ Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan dissects the phony story about grading policy at Oak Park and River Forest High School.
■ Columnist Eric Zorn spotlights more “slithery” behavior by the “local conservative talk-radio gasbag” behind the website responsible.
‘As if it were a blockbuster investigative special.’ Axios says the House Jan. 6 committee has recruited the “master storyteller” former president of ABC News to turn its hearing Thursday night into must-see TV …
■ … but Poynter’s Tom Jones predicts “many on the right … will either ignore it, downplay it or try to twist it for their own political gain.”
■ The AP previews the “endless ribbons of inquiry” the committee may unspool.
■ The committee’s reportedly considering massive changes to the U.S. election system—including abolition of the Electoral College …
■ … and updates to the 1887 law at the heart of Donald Trump’s effort to upend the 2020 election.
■ Republican committee member Rep. Liz Cheney says the investigation’s confirmed that what happened was indeed the work of an ongoing conspiracy: “It is extremely broad. It’s extremely well-organized. It’s really chilling.”
■ One of the few Republicans who voted to impeach Trump says Cheney would make a great speaker of the House.
‘Welcome, early voters.’ Law blogger Jack Leyhane is gearing up for “the major work of this site for the primary season”—providing guidance on how to vote for judges.
■ Illinois Playbook: The pandemic is partly why 73 Chicago precincts won’t be open for the June 28 primary.
■ Ready to cast your vote? The Chicago Public Square primary election guide is here.
iPhone upgrades incoming. Apple was rumored ready at noon Chicago time to preview new free software for its devices.
■ You can watch here.
‘Searing … but also inspirational.’ The Sun-Times’ Richard Roeper previews The Janes, a documentary coming to HBO Wednesday about how “smart, independent, determined, resourceful and brave women in Chicago” created an underground network to enable thousands of illegal but safe abortions between 1968 and 1973.
■ MSNBC calls it a view of the future by way of the past.
■ Here’s the trailer.
Want a Square T-shirt? Some sizes and colors have sold out and won’t be reordered, so act now if you want one.
■ And if you kick in financial support to help keep Square coming—in any amount, recurring or not—you get a code to save $5 …
■ … like Chicago Public Squarians Emily Blum and Sara Burrows.