Times err. An article that effectively buried newsworthy revelations about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual misbehavior has triggered new complaints about The New York Times’ editorial judgment:
■ Boing Boing: Even the Times’ walk-back of the tweet was lousy.
■ Merriam-Webster threw some shade the Times’ way, too. [Link corrected.]
■ Buried lead or not, the story is fueling fresh calls for Kavanaugh’s impeachment. (Cartoon: Keith J. Taylor.)
■ The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “This is the Kavanaugh mess we feared.”
‘Hillary Clinton’s zombie impeachment memo.’ Politico says a congressional report written almost a half-century ago by a team of lawyers that “included Hillary before she was a Clinton” is serving as a handbook for House Democrats “to help determine whether they have the goods to mount a full-scale impeachment effort” against the man who defeated her for the presidency.
■ The latest addition to Elizabeth Warren’s torrent of policy papers: A wide-ranging anti-corruption plan [link corrected] …
■ … including nearly 100 ways “to take power away from the wealthy and the well-connected … and put it back … in the hands of the people.”
■ Vox: “If Warren makes it to the general election, she’ll have a clear contrast between herself and President Donald Trump.”
■ Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick: What if Trump refuses to leave office?
Nice deal if you can get it after being disgraced. The Tribune reports ex-Ald. Daniel Solis—whom prosecutors say used political influence for “personal benefits” including Viagra pills and prostitution services—nevertheless stands to collect a $95,000-a-year public pension for the rest of his life.
■ Sun-Times columnist Laura Washington: Mayor Lightfoot and County Board President Preckwinkle “don’t have to like each other. They probably never will. So what?”
‘America’s next fight with China is unfolding at a glistening new factory in Chicago.’ The Times reports that fears about China’s potential to spy on Americans could prompt Congress to kill a deal to make mass-transit cars in the 10th Ward for Chicago and other U.S. cities.
■ Amazon plans to double the employee count at its downtown Chicago office.
■ The Sun-Times’ David Roeder warns of “something rotten” in Chicago’s real estate market: “A reliance on companies … that are losing a ton of money.”
Company’s coming. A WBEZ Curious City report about a changing climate’s toll on Lake Michigan concludes the region will probably fare better than coastal areas and therefore may “attract migrants seeking refuge from hurricanes, wildfires and rising sea levels.”
■ This year’s weather extremes may spell disappointment for Chicago-area apple pickers.
‘At least a dozen autistic children were conceived from Donor H898’s sperm, prompting a lawsuit and study by genetics experts.’ At the heart of a Post story: An Illinois family. [Link corrected.]
■ Facebook yanked doctors’ fact-check of an anti-abortion video because Sen. Ted Cruz complained.
Thanks …
■ … to reader Liz Braun, who noted the incorrect link above to the story about sperm donor H898.
■ … to another Liz—Denius—for reporting a bad link to a report on Elizabeth Warren’s anticorruption proposal.
■ … to Crissy Terawaki Kawamoto for flagging another flawed link to the Merriam-Webster item.
■ … to Ted Cox and Mike Braden for spotting typos—misspellings of presidential candidate names—in Friday’s Chicago Public Square.
■ Remember: Square loves corrections on any mistakes, big or small. And those who are first to report goofs get credit on the Square website.
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