■ An interactive survey from the Tribune can help identify which mayoral candidate you agree with most.
■ Endorsements for mayor and other Chicago city offices from the Trib and the Sun-Times.
■ WBEZ’s 20 questions for the two mayoral candidates.
■ Election overviews from Chi.vote and The TRiiBe.
■ Register to vote—up to and including Election Day—in Chicago and suburban Cook County.
■ Where to vote Election Day in Chicago and Cook County.
■ Your ballot explained—in and out of Chicago—courtesy of BallotReady.
■ What to do if you’re turned away at the polls.
■ Outside Cook County? Learn more at your county’s website: DuPage, Lake, Will, Kane, McHenry, Kendall …
■ … or from the Illinois State Board of Elections.
■ Need time off from work to vote? You may have it coming.
This is an evolving document. Have a correction or an update? Want to recommend a link? Email Vote@ChicagoPublicSquare.com.
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This guide comes to you courtesy of Square supporters—including Mark Wukas, Chris Ruys, Mike Braden, Martha Intrieri, Harla Hutchinson, Julia Winn, Jim Peterson, Larry Montgomery, Cindy Coakes, Meghan & Doug Strubel, RF Davis and Tim Spencer. You can join them with your pledge of just a few cents a day.