Here’s what you’ll need to vote smart:
■ A customized ballot with all the decisions you’ll face in suburban Cook County or Chicago.
■ Every item and race on your ballot, explained: BallotReady and Ballotpedia.
■ Endorsements from the Sun-Times, the Tribune (also available as a PDF printout), the Daily Herald, Crain’s and the Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization.
■ All the bar associations’ ratings of judges and candidates for judge in Cook County.
■ The Illinois State Bar Association’s evaluations for judicial contests in other Illinois counties.
■ Guides from the Better Government Association and the Tribune to referendum questions on the ballot in Chicago and Cook County.
■ WBEZ’s election “crib sheet.”
■ You can register to vote even on Election Day in Cook County and Chicago.
■ What to do if you’re turned away at the polls.
■ Need time off from work to vote? Odds are good you have it coming.
■ Need a free ride to cast your ballot? Lyft and Uber are offering. So is Divvy.
Be informed for every election. Remember to sign up for Chicago Public Square email, sent to your inbox (free!) weekday mornings at 10.
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