If you’re reading Chicago Public Square free, thank supporters including these people who’ve pitched in a few pennies a day since we began this alphabetical-by-first-name rundown: Cindy Coakes, Jane Skelley Carroll, Jeannie Affelder, Jeff Weissglass, Maria Garvy and Mike Janowski. Why not join their hallowed ranks here?
■ Her lawyer says she believes she could have been raped that night …
■ … and is willing to testify publicly …
■ … as Kavanaugh says he’s willing to return to the Senate for another round of questioning, too.
■ As a judge, Kavanaugh’s mother presided over hearings involving a foreclosure action against his accuser’s parents.
■ Politico’s editor-in-chief: “God Is Laughing at Brett Kavanaugh.”
■ A speechwriter for President George W. Bush: “This vote should be delayed.”
■ The Hill: To kill Kavanaugh’s nomination, “Democrats need to win over two GOP senators” …
■ … and at least one is calling for a delay …
■ … but another is criticizing Democrats for waiting weeks to make the accusation public.
■ Esquire’s Charlie Pierce: “If the committee vote is postponed beyond Thursday … then this nomination is as dead as Kelsey’s nuts.”
■ Axios reports “extreme queasiness in Kavanaugh’s camp.”
■ The president reportedly sees a “conspiracy.”
■ ShareBlue editor Kaili Joy Gray: “A woman is trying to protect us from putting an attempted rapist on the Supreme Court, and she’s going to be destroyed for it, and she knows it, and she’s doing it anyway. That’s patriotism.”
‘This is a fair jury.’ The judge in the trial of Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke, who’s accused of murdering Laquan McDonald in 2014 with those fateful 16 shots, has refused Van Dyke’s lawyer’s request to discharge the jurors and start over.
■ Continual updates from the Tribune.
Daley news. Another Daley—Bill, ex-commerce secretary and White House chief of staff—says he really, really wants to be Chicago’s next mayor. (2013 photo: Jennifer Duda.)
■ The rules of Chicago’s mayoral election encourage lots of candidates: Just 20 percent of the vote can be enough to get one into a runoff.
Emanuel’s war on tobacco. The Sun-Times says the mayor plans to propose lowering the boom on e-cigarettes.
■ The mayor’s declaring 2019 “The Year of Chicago Theater.”
Amazon Go comes. The company’s fourth cashier-free store opens today in Chicago.
■ Like Amazon’s founder Jeff Bezos, another tech leader, Salesforce founder Marc Benioff, is diving into journalism—buying Time.
■ From August: Salesforce is planning a major Chicago expansion.
Chicago Public Square is proud to co-sponsor the 2018 Studs Terkel Awards.
Thanks … to Julie Meyerson Ross for helping fill today’s edition of Square.