Facebook privacy: So what? The Tribune’s Eric Zorn: “Come on, people, what did you think?”
■ But Facebook has overhauled its privacy tools.
■ A suburban man accused in a Facebook Live torture case has rejected a deal that would have sent him to prison for eight years.
‘If I was a student, I’d want the new iPad. And I probably wouldn’t get one.’ USA Today’s Jefferson Graham reviews Apple’s product rollout yesterday in Chicago.
■ The Verge cuts the presentation down to a manageable 11 minutes.
Arizona’s Uber secret. Emails obtained by The Guardian reveal Uber’s “cozy relationship with Gov. Doug Ducey enabled an autonomous program … that ultimately led to a fatal crash.”
■ The death of a man in a California accident that may have involved a Tesla car’s autonomous control is under federal investigation.
■ … sending Tesla shares plummeting.
McCarthy’s dirty donor. The Tribune reports the top contributor to ex-top cop Garry McCarthy’s bid for mayor is a guy whose law license has been suspended three times.
■ Columnist Phil Kadner: McCarthy is “the only one who seems to have forgotten he was in charge during one of the most shameful periods in police history.”
■ A sewage spill at Dodger Stadium brought spring training “to a repulsive end.”
Fighting words. Vice President Biden says he regrets suggesting physical violence against President Trump.
■ Stormy Daniels’ lawyer wants to question Trump and his lawyer about a $130,000 payout before the 2016 election.
‘The Second Amendment is … not the problem.’ The Tribune’s Steve Chapman says ex-Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens’ proposal to repeal the amendment “would inflame the worst fears of gun owners and those sympathetic to gun rights.”
■ The Chicago City Council could vote today to ban the “bump stock,” the add-on the Las Vegas shooter used to kill dozens and wound hundreds.
■ Watch the council meeting live online beginning at 10 a.m.
‘Charlie has gone gender-neutral.’ A Quartz analysis finds a handful of names leading the way as the U.S. moves toward giving babies names that go with any gender.
■ The death of Babies R Us has set off a scramble in the baby gift registry biz.
‘The hardest-working paper in America.’ The Sun-Times has rolled out a new slogan and a new look for its print and digital editions.
■ In Canada, a community paper founded by a rock star is being delivered by journalists who don't report for the paper.
■ U.S. sales of recorded music last year rose faster than they have in decades.
■ Watch TV using an antenna? You’ll need to know how to “rescan.”
Reader corrections to yesterday’s Chicago Public Square.
■ Reed Pence was first (of many) to note absence of the word “as” in the phrase “Just as this edition of Square rolls off the digital press.”
■ Mike Braden noted an extra “and” in the phrase “Ex-Supreme Court Justice (and lifelong Cubs fan)
■ Be first to email FaultFound@ChicagoPublicSquare.com about a Square error and see your name here.