EQUIFIXES. In the aftermath of Equifax’s “very possibly the worst leak of personal info ever,” the experts agree the best thing you can do to protect against fraud is request a credit freeze from all three major credit bureaus. But that’s not free.
■ CNN on the worst hackers could do: “They can saddle you with speeding tickets, steal your tax refund, swipe your Social Security check and prevent you from getting prescription drugs.”
■ On its website, Equifax admits it’s messed up a number of things since revealing the breach.
■ How to register your card right now.
■ Beware an impending flood of hurricane-damaged vehicles into Chicago’s used-car market.
AFTER IRMA. Post-hurricane rescue efforts are under way in the Florida Keys.
■ Updating coverage: No longer a hurricane, Irma’s still spreading misery.
■ Drone footage shows flooded Naples, Fla.
■ Billionaire Richard Branson, who rode out the storm in his British Virgin Islands home’s wine cellar, is calling for a massive recovery plan for the region.
■ The Intercept’s Naomi Klein: Irma won’t “wake up” climate change-denying Republicans.
‘THE HOTEL HAS PROBABLY NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS.’ A spokesman for the Village of Rosemont struggles to explain how a Chicago teenager was found dead inside a walk-in freezer Sunday at the Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel & Conference Center.
■ The Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg writes to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos as he seeks a second HQ for the company: “Let me assure you; Chicagoans are not all like Rahm Emanuel.”
■ Dear Abby tackles a reader’s question: When should I tell dates I have herpes?
‘IT’S … MORALLY REPUGNANT TO IMPRISON A PRESUMPTIVELY INNOCENT PERSON … SIMPLY BECAUSE HE’S TOO POOR TO BUY HIS WAY OUT OF JAIL.’ Lawyers for the Roderick and Solange MacArthur Justice Center today will argue against Cook County’s cash bail system.
■ Laura Washington in the Sun-Times: “Inquiring black minds wonder: What about sanctuary for us?“
■ The Tribune’s Dahleen Glanton writes to the guy who hates Chicago: “Those of us who love our city aren’t sorry to see you go.”
■ But he says he doesn’t mind the blowback.
■ A woman who says her friends snubbed him has shared her story on Medium. (Link corrected.)
■ Bob Dylan will headline the first concert at Chicago’s new arena by McCormick Place.
‘I AM DONE WITH BEING A CANDIDATE. BUT I AM NOT DONE WITH POLITICS.’ Hillary Clinton tells CBS “I literally believe that our country’s future is at stake,” so she’s not going away.
■ Mitt Romney’s reportedly plotting a run for the Senate.
■ Former Obama strategist David Axelrod in a newly posted podcast of his appearance last week in River Forest: “There are structural barriers to Democrats making huge gains in 2018.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL’S TRUMP PROBLEM. The Guardian’s interviews with present and former staffers reveal outrage over management pressure to normalize the president.
■ A TMZ report says ousted Fox News host Eric Bolling’s son died emotionally wrecked by his father’s scandal.
SEPT. 11 MEMORIES. Award-winning reporter Carol Marin, who was there when New York’s World Trade Center collapsed, recalls the experience: “You spend the rest of the time trying to reconstruct the moment that you didn’t die.”
■ How we got the news out of Tribune Tower on Sept. 11, 2001, when the sudden surge in traffic rendered much of the web mute.
■ What I wrote for my kids after 9/11.
APPLE LEAKS. The early line on what the company will announce tomorrow.
■ CNET’s Ian Sherr: “The new iPhone will be boring. Get over it.”
■ The Ringer: Apple’s war on buttons is nearly complete.
CORRECTIONS. Unforgivingly vigilant reader Mike Braden caught two problems in Friday’s email edition of Square: A missing word and an extra word. Fixed now on the web edition.
■ Find a mistake in Square? Be first to report it to YaMessedUp@ChicagoPublicSquare.com and see your name here.