[Chicago Public Square returns to its regular, more wide-ranging format Tuesday. Unless the drive back from the band of totality goes extremely awry, realizing fears of the largest traffic jams in U.S. history. Updates on Twitter and Facebook.]
■ NASA’s video coverage of the eclipse requires no special glasses.
■ How—and when—the eclipse will appear in Chicago (or anywhere else; type in a ZIP code) … if the skies are clear.
■ Guides to TV and other online coverage.

■ Or don’t make anything and instead just raid the kitchen for tools like a pizza box.
■ Eclipse selfie shots can be dangerous.
■ Chicago’s eclipse weather forecast.
■ Taking eclipse shots with your smartphone? Consider giving it eclipse glasses of its own.
■ Miss this one? Another band of totality crosses Illinois in 2024. And an online calculator lists every total eclipse remaining in your (probable) lifetime.
■ Huffington Post: Ivanka Trump’s eclipse tweet generated plenty of shade.
■ “Total Eclipse,” Anne Dillard’s celebrated 1982 essay: “Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a total eclipse as … flying in an airplane does to falling out of an airplane.”
■ Pulitzer-winning funny-guy-explainer-of-things Dave Barry’s eclipse guide: “Imagine that the Earth is a cantaloupe …”
■ Best places to see the eclipse and a Sasquatch.
■ Ten songs for your eclipse-watching playlist.
■ After the eclipse, report yourself safe—not blind, not trapped in a Walking Dead-style traffic hellscape.

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