Slam effect / Shrinking Chicago / Metra cuts

SLAM EFFECT. As voters go to the polls today for a nationally watched special congressional election in Montana (link corrected), three Montana newspapers have yanked their endorsement of a Republican candidate charged yesterday with body-slamming a reporter he didn’t like.
Hear the reporter’s audio recording of the encounter.
 Fox News reporters witnessed what happened.
Political reporters across the country say it fits a pattern.
From earlier this month, a warning that President Trump’s “anti-press words and deeds” could have “trickle-down consequences for state and local journalists.”

‘WHITE LIBERAL MEDIA LIKE YOU MAKE ME SICK!’ Sun-Times columnist Mark Brown’s angry and racist readers are undermining more high-minded arguments against a Northwest Side high-rise project to house mostly low-income residents.
Mayor Emanuel is waffling on the project.
But he’s proposing a $3 million pool to help cops and firefighters buy homes in Chicago.
Want your say at a Chicago City Council meeting? Here are the new rules.

SHRINKING CHICAGO. It’s the only major U.S. city where population fell in 2016, but it’s still up from 2010.
But Chicago’s density is outpacing other big cities.

‘EXTREME, INTOLERABLE AND EXCESSIVE FEAR.’ The parents of a Naperville teen who committed suicide are suing school and police officials who, the family says, illegally interrogated and intimidated him about a sexual encounter.

LONDON CALLING—ANGRILY. Ticked about leaks in the investigation of the Manchester concert bombing, Britain’s prime minister said she’ll be talking to Trump to demand secrecy.
A homeless man who helped victims after the bombing has gotten an apartment.

‘IT’S FRANKLY A LIE.’ A member of Congress’ arch-right Freedom Caucus says the Trump budget plan “perpetuates a myth that we can go out there and balance a budget without touching entitlements.”
 RedState: The sad state of some on the right.

WHAT HE DIDN’T SAY. The Justice Department says that when its head, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, applied for his security clearance, he failed to disclose meetings he had last year with Russian officials.
MTV commentary from Anna Marie Cox: “Sessions scares me more than Trump does, and he should scare you.”
The acting attorney general Trump fired has told Harvard Law grads why she defied him.

METRA CUTS. Chicago’s commuter rail service is proposing to eliminate runs on its Blue Island and South Chicago branches—while adding stops in Hyde Park.

WE’RE No. 11! That’s where Chicago lands on a list of U.S. cities with the best parks.
 A new “Jurassic World” exhibit opens at the Field Museum.

MEMORIAL DAY WEATHER. The nationwide outlook.
What’s new on Netflix for June.

HAT-TIP. To reader Chris Koenig for link suggestions.
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