JUDGE KILLED. Developing: A Cook County judge was fatally shot and a woman was hurt this morning near his Chicago home.
■ For the first time, Chicago is copping out on a year-old promise to release video of police shootings within 90 days.
■ In one Chicago neighborhood, DNAinfo reports, thieves have taken to bashing in overhead garage doors to steal stuff.
FULL COURT. Neil Gorsuch will have taken two oaths of office today, restoring the U.S. Supreme Court to a membership of nine.
■ He can have an immediate impact on 13 cases.
That’s United Airlines’ response to social media videos posted to Twitter and Facebook, showing security officers pulling a man out of his seat and dragging him down the aisle of a plane after its team picked him to leave an overbooked flight out of Chicago.
■ Gizmodo’s headline: “Hired Goon Drags Man Off United Flight After He Refuses to Give Up Seat.”
CTA’S WORST. The Tribune’s Mary Wisniewski rounds up reader complaints about the CTA’s “L” stations. The grungiest, she writes, smells “of wet wood and soggy corn chips, mixed with pigeon guano.”
■ Digital signs with more service info—and ads—are coming to CTA stations.
AND THEY’RE ALL HIRING. Crain’s lists Chicago’s best places to work.
■ Crain’s has compiled a separate list of minority workers’ choices.
TRUMP’S TWEETY HERD. Bloomberg has analyzed and interviewed holders of the Twitter accounts most likely to have responded to the president over the last 30 days.
■ Ethics advocates who forced President Obama to reveal who was visiting him are suing Trump for the same reason.
■ Trump’s administration plans to launch big cuts for government agencies this week.
A lawyer for a former guest on Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News show says she triggered a formal investigation of O’Reilly for sexual harassment simply by calling the Fox corporate abuse hotline—something the company said no one had done.
■ John Oliver launches a TV ad designed to teach Trump about “repeated unwanted sexual advances.”
■ How Stephen Colbert turned things around to make his CBS show late-night’s most-viewed. (Hint: This blueprint nailed the winning strategy almost a year ago. At least Step 2.)
‘THIS IS A DISASTER.’ An Australian researcher says the effects of global warming have brought the Great Barrier Reef—the world’s largest living structure—to “terminal stage.”
■ The Arctic Ocean is becoming more like the Atlantic Ocean: ice-free in summer. (Photo: Sarah Ackerman.)
■ The U.S. EPA is closing programs to help cities and states adapt to climate change.
‘THE ABUSE IS … USING IT FOR OTHER, SELF-BENEFITING PURPOSES.’ A Notre Dame law professor tells Politico that a part-owner of the Chicago Tribune, health-care billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong, seems to be using his philanthropic organization’s money mainly to benefit organizations he controls.
■ Trump is backing away from an aggressive tax-reform timetable.
■ New research ties a historic increase in global income levels per person to the rise of the rule of law.
A suggestion from reader Christine Badowski Koenig.
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‘YOU NEVER SHOULD HAVE ENCOURAGED PROOFREADERS.’ And yet, Chicago Public Square did. So, once again, faithful and unrelentingly attentive reader Mike Braden gets a tip of the Square hat for noting an inappropriately capitalized word in Friday’s edition: The “and” in “Wicker Park And Bucktown.” (We told you we love trivial.) If you spot a mistake, email sloppy@chicagopublicsquare.com and see your name in this space.