■ New Yorkers now can get spaghetti doughnuts, but not everyone approves.
■ A man has sued Dunkin Donuts, complaining of fake butter.
■ A Kenosha doughnut shop is winning national attention for its Girl Scout cookie creation.
■ Waze lets you order coffee and a doughnut from Dunkin’ before you get there.
■ On Instagram, a hole-y trinity of vegan doughnut accounts.
■ A bunch of photos of beautiful, beautiful doughnuts.
Thanks for reading this special Saturday edition of Chicago Public Square.
CORRECTIONS. We hate making mistakes, but we treasure close attention from people like these readers of yesterday’s edition:
■ Mike Braden, who spotted a couple of garbled sentences.
■ Jay Branson, who flagged a comma that should have been a period.
If you’re first to spot a mistake in Square—no matter how trivial (we love trivial!)—you too can see your name here in pixels. Email