TRUMP’S COURT PICK. SCOTUSblog says the president’s selection of U.S. Appeals Court Judge Neil Gorsuch “was perhaps most notable for the extent to which it hewed closely to tradition.” And it offers a detailed analysis of Gorsuch’s career.
■ FiveThirtyEight: Gorsuch is a “Scalia clone.”
■ Slate: … but he’s not a villain.
■ Illinois state rep warns a Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade could trigger “a nightmare scenario for women in this state.”
■ Gorsuch’s mom tried to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency.
REPUBLICANS’ AUDIBLE. Suspending a rule that would have required at least one Democrat in the room, the Senate Finance Committee has advanced the president’s nominations for secretaries of the Departments of Treasury and Health and Human Services.
■ Wall Street Journal editor tells reporters to stop using “majority Muslim” to ID travel-ban countries.
■ Trump tweets: “Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people … out of country!”
■ ACLU chief: “Of course it’s a Muslim ban.”
■ First Chicago lawsuits challenge ban.
MEET THE SKYPERS. In a first for any administration, the White House press briefing Wednesday will take questions from four people who are not in the room but instead are connecting by Skype. They include conservative Kentucky newspaper publisher Jeff Jobe.
■ Tweet troncs off Tribune reporters, triggers apology.
AVAST! The Chicago towing company famously slammed in Steve Goodman’s folk song “Lincoln Park Pirates” could lose its license when it’s hauled before the Illinois Commerce Commission today. WGN-TV’s Ben Bradley has the story.
■ Chicago’s top cop’s fiancee is under investigation for intervening in her son’s traffic offense.
BAG TAX COMETH. A good day to begin carrying a bag with you in Chicago. Beginning today, the city’s stores are required to slap on a checkout tax of 7 cents per bag—with a few exceptions.
■ The Sun-Times’ Lynn Sweet: It’s changed behavior in D.C. (Square doesn’t leave home without a spare plastic bag tucked away somewhere.)
RESTORATION HARDWARE vs. CRATE&BARREL. Restoration is suing, accusing Crate of stealing its secrets.
■ Political reaction to Caterpillar’s HQ move to Chicago, rounded up by Natasha Korecki for Politico’s Illinois Playbook.
■ Joe Cahill at Crain’s: Chicago has United and American Airlines right where it needs them for “a rare opportunity to upgrade O’Hare.”
‘DONALD TRUMP AND HIS THUGS HAVE DONE US A FAVOR.’ In what he calls his last chance to sound hysterical, retiring political columnist Roger Simon says the new administration has “shown us that democracy is not inevitable.”
■ Podcast: Roger Simon’s life and near-death as a reporter.
■ Media critic Jack Shafer: Tucker Carlson “is cable TV’s new prince.”
■ Oprah Winfrey’s new job.
AND IF HE SEES HIS SHADOW, 8 MORE YEARS OF … Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day. Live video at 4 a.m. Central Time here.
■ January’s snowfall total in Chicago? Almost nothing.
AND IF HE SEES HIS SHADOW, 8 MORE YEARS OF … Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day. Live video at 4 a.m. Central Time here.
■ January’s snowfall total in Chicago? Almost nothing.
AND IF HE SEES HIS SHADOW, 8 MORE YEARS OF … Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day. Live video at 4 a.m. Central Time here.
■ January’s snowfall total in Chicago? Almost nothing.

■ January’s snowfall total in Chicago? Almost nothing.
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